Youngjae Jay Lim

Full-Stack Web Developer/Data Analyst



I am a full stack web developer as well as a data analyst in NYC who is seeking remote/freelancing/full-time opportunities. I am passionate about building full-stack applications using variety of tools as well as collecting, processing, exploring, and publishing data and building anything involving modern web technology. When I am not at my computer, I am a photographer as well.
Note: I am authorized to work in US.(i.e., a permanent resident)
  • My current interests related to web technologies are:
    • Using CMS(Content Management System) as a backend platform
    • Improving and documenting my own Go Web Framework called Gosnel
    • Making SSG(Static Site Generation) efficient
    • Learning SSR(Server-Side Rendering) using SvelteKit
    • Building microservices using Go and gRPC
    • Container orchestration using Kubernetes & AWS EKS
    • Using Github and GitHub Actions as Serverless platform
      • This website itself is being hosted in Github Pages using Github Actions following CI/CD practice
    • Learning Datasette as data exploring, publishing tool
    • Improving PKM(Personal Knowledge Management) system using Roam Research
    • Learning Rust programming language as a back-end tool
    • Architecturing CSS


2010Columbia UniversityActuarial ScienceMaster of Science
2009Stanford UniversityStatisticsMaster of Science
2007Korea UniversityComputer ScienceBachelor of Science


📆2019 - Present

Freelancing Programmer

  • Worked with a variety of different programming languages, frameworks, and content manage systems(CMS) such as JavaScript, React, Next.js, Svelte, SvelteKit, Vue, Node.js, Express.js Prismic, WordPress, Contentful,, Strapi

  • Built Back-end APIs following RESTful standards, Express.js & MongoDB Atalas Cloud to allow users to create job applications that they applied and keep track of them using useReducer hooks + Context in React instead of Redux

  • Developed a full-stack web application to create/manage events using Next.js and Strapi CMS backend

  • Developed a front-end E-commerce website using both Gatsby & Vue.js and connected it to Shopify back-end service

  • Built a front-end static website using Gatsby and Prismic CMS as a backend

  • Created a full-stack web E-Commerce application using Go & Stripe that consists of multiple, separate applications:

    • a virtual terminal whose an authenticated user is able to process credit card payments from a secure form with the Stripe API
    • a front-end web application that allows a user to purchase a product, or purchase a recurring monthly subscription
    • microservice that performs only one task, but performs very well, dynamically building PDF invoices and sending them to customers as an email attachment
  • Built a Gosnel web framework using Go programming language that is very similar to Laravel PHP Web Framework to speed up full-stack web application development process for future clients

The relavant projects are linked here: Projects

📆2011 - 2018

Actuarial Analyst, MIB Solutions, New York

Analytical :

  • Worked on Life Statistical Services to assist life insurance companies in complying with mandatory mortality experience reporting as required by the state regulators (New York Department of Financial Services, Kansas Insurance Department)
  • Took responsibility for doing actuarial analysis and review of 20 data contributors in Life Statistical Services
  • Assisted in defining Exact Exposure Formulas depending on the various situations such as inforce, death terminations, lapses, non-death, and non-lapse terminations, etc
  • Designed and implemented a Comparison Report to compare the current calendar year mortality data to prior year’s data
  • Participated in the SOA Credit Risk Experience Study : Private Placement Bonds
  • Built up solid understanding of relational database, multi-dimensional database, and Star Schema from the per:webspective of Business Intelligence Tool

Technical :

  • Managed a team consisting of database developers, actuaries to build a full-stack life insurance compliance reporting-system
    • Programmed Transact-SQL stored-procedures to automate syntax, validation checks on individual life insurance companies’ mortality data
    • Generated various drill-down capable Excel Pivot Table reports including A/E Ratio Reports sent
    • Created, updated, and maintained VBScript codes to automatically create numerous Excel Pivot to companies and state regulators using Visual Basic .NET technology
    • Optimized MS SQL Server query performance to deal with a high volume of data from big insurance companies
  • Provided underlying aggregate/preferred mortality data from multiple data sources to be used in SOA ILEC 09-10 Individual Life Experience Mortality Study Table Reports for Life Statistical Services
  • Developed and shared SQL codes to summarize each company’s preferred class structure in the data to compare it to Preferred Class Structure Questionnaire given by companies
  • Built COGNOS analytical reports called Critical Review Forms for actuaries that saved hundreds of hours a month from doing manual data analysis

Interpersonal :

  • Managed 3 junior actuarial analysts
  • Played a pivotal role in filling in gaps between actuarial department in NY and developer team in MA for implementing Exact Exposure Calculations by translating complicated actuarial concepts to easy languages for database programmers
  • Communicated with each individual life insurance company contributing mortality data through an email, a conference call, and a written memo of actuarial analysis and review
  • Trained other actuarial analysts in COGNOS IBM business Intelligence tool

Organizational :

  • Documented “Detail Data Instructions for NAIC VM-51 Mortality Data Format” containing detailed instructions along with numerical examples sent to individual life insurance companies
  • Documented an individual company’s historical mortality data quality following recommended practices in Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 23(ASOP 23)

📆2010 - 2011

Actuarial Intern, MIB Solutions, New York

  • Provided a variety of underlying tables and views in MS-SQL Server as Syntax, Validation, and Resonableness Checks
  • Generated various summary reports related to individual mortality experience study using Advanced Excel VBA Skill
  • Assisted in conducting various SOA Experience Studies such as Individual Life Mortality, Structured Settlements, Payout Annuities


Programming lauguages

Go, GraphQL JavaScript(ES6), PHP, HTML, CSS, Python, SQL, Rust, VBScript, VBA, R

Libraries & Framewokrs

JavaScriptReact, Gatsby, Svelte, SvelteKit, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js
PythonDjango, FastAPI
GoGosnel(framework that I am currently making in progress)
CSSPostCSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Semantic UI

Tools & Platforms

CategoryTools & Platforms
Code EditorVim, VS Code
CloudAWS, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Linode, Netlify, Vercel, Gatsby Cloud, MongoDB Atlas Cloud, Supabase
DevOpsGit, GitHub, Docker, Kubernetes
CMS(Content Management System)WordPress, Prismic,, Contentful, Strapi
API TestingPostman
OS(Operating Systems)Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOS
Web ServersApache, Nginx, Caddy


SQLPostgreSQL, SQLite, MySql, MariaDB, MS SQL Server
NoSQLMongoDB, Redis




📆2016 - 2021

Member, NYC-SPC (New York City Street Photography Collective)

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