Full-Stack Music Events


This is a website that allows you to find/search for music events. You can also register/login yourself to create new events and keep track of them. In addition, an admin can use a Strapi CMS to create/delete/edit events and manange users.

Demo Website

Note that back-end demo is an admin only website that requires login credentials. Also note that it might take a while to load a landing page when you visit the website for the first time due to the fact that the app was deployed to the heroku platform. Once the landing page is loaded, you must experience the fast loading speed for any web pages.


  • Back-end

    • Node.js
    • Strapi CMS (Content Management System) deployed to Heroku Platform
    • Postgres Database
  • Front-end

    • React/Next.js Javascript Framework
    • Deployed to Vercel

Github Repository


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