How To Add Social Share Buttons To Gatsby Blog


This article shows you how to add social share buttons to your Gatsby blog post by using react-share package.

Why you need social share buttons

Social share buttons help create a presence on social media platforms as well as providing other benefits for your website:

1. It can improve user experience

  • Users on your website can quickly share your conent not going through all the hassles like copying and pasting a resource url to social media. Just one click and you're done.

2. It can help SEO

  • Google determines search results listings by using many ranking signals, among them are the number of times that content is shared, tweeted, liked, or posted to other social media.

3. It can boost brand exposure

  • By people sharing your contents, it is possible that content is getting introduced to an entirely new group of people. As a result, it could bring new users to your website.

4. It can improve reach to your target audience

  • Let's say now you've written this rich content blog post. But does it reach to right target audience. If you've written a tech blog, people sharing it might share it to tech commnunity, forum, etc. In turn, it reaches to more relavant target audience.

Initial setup

  • Install react-share package

    npm install react-share


We will 1) create a new component for social share buttons and then 2) render it inside a blog post template that is going to be used to create each blog post.

SocialShareButtons component

1import React from 'react'
2import styled from 'styled-components'
3import {
4 FacebookShareButton,
5 LinkedinShareButton,
6 TwitterShareButton,
7 EmailShareButton,
8 FacebookIcon,
9 LinkedinIcon,
10 TwitterIcon,
11 EmailIcon,
12} from 'react-share'
14const size = 32
15const round = true
17const SocialShareButtons = ({ url, title, description }) => (
18 <Wrapper>
19 <FacebookShareButton url={url} quote={description}>
20 <FacebookIcon size={size} round={round} />
21 </FacebookShareButton>
23 <LinkedinShareButton url={url} title={title} summary={description}>
24 <LinkedinIcon size={size} round={round} />
25 </LinkedinShareButton>
27 <TwitterShareButton url={url} title={description}>
28 <TwitterIcon size={size} round={round} />
29 </TwitterShareButton>
31 <EmailShareButton url={url} title={description}>
32 <EmailIcon size={size} round={round} />
33 </EmailShareButton>
34 </Wrapper>
37export default SocialShareButtons
39const Wrapper = styled.div`
40 display: flex;
41 align-items: center;
42 margin-right: 10px;
43 transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
44 gap: 0.5rem;

Render SocialShareButtons inside Blog Post Template

This is a post-template.js that I currently use to build each page of post in this site. Note that I show only core part of the codes here. The entire source code is linked here.

As you see in the codes, I added the SocialShareButtons component to the post template so that Gastby can create pages with it in build time.

1import React from 'react'
2import Layout from '../components/Layout'
3import TagsList from '../components/TagsList'
4import TableOfContents from '../components/TableOfContents'
5import Seo from '../components/Seo'
6import Banner from '../components/Banner'
7import PrevAndNext from '../components/PrevAndNext'
8import Comments from '../components/Comments'
9import SocialShareButtons from '../components/SocialShareButtons'
10import styled from 'styled-components'
11import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
12import { MDXRenderer } from 'gatsby-plugin-mdx'
13import { GatsbyImage, getImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image'
15const PostTemplate = ({ data, pageContext }) => {
16 const url = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.location.href : ''
17 const pathName = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window.location.pathname : ''
19 const {
20 title,
21 tags,
22 image,
23 date,
24 embeddedImages,
25 videoSourceURL,
26 videoTitle,
27 } = data.mdx.frontmatter
29 const { previousPost, nextPost } = pageContext
31 const { body, tableOfContents, excerpt } = data.mdx
33 const description = title ? title : excerpt
35 const isThereTableOfContent = Object.keys(tableOfContents).length !== 0
37 return (
38 <Layout>
39 <Seo
40 title={title}
41 description={excerpt}
42 image={image.childImageSharp.resize}
43 pathname={pathName}
44 />
45 <Wrapper toc={isThereTableOfContent}>
46 {/* Table of Contents */}
47 {isThereTableOfContent && (
48 <TableOfContents items={tableOfContents.items} />
49 )}
50 {/* Post Info */}
51 <article className='mdx-page'>
52 <GatsbyImage
53 image={getImage(image)}
54 alt={title}
55 className='main-img'
56 />
57 <div className='post-info'>
58 <h1>{title}</h1>
59 {tags?.length > 0 && <TagsList tags={tags} isPost={true} />}
60 <p>{date}</p>
61 <div className='underline' />
62 <div className='social-buttons-top'>
63 <SocialShareButtons url={url} description={description} />
64 </div>
65 </div>
66 <MDXRenderer
67 embeddedImages={embeddedImages}
68 videoSourceURL={videoSourceURL}
69 videoTitle={videoTitle}
70 >
71 {body}
72 </MDXRenderer>
73 <div className='social-buttons'>
74 <span>If you found this article informative, please share: </span>
75 <SocialShareButtons url={url} description={description} />
76 </div>
77 <PrevAndNext prev={previousPost} next={nextPost} />
78 <Comments />
79 </article>
81 {/* Banner on the right side */}
82 <article>
83 <Banner isPost={true} />
84 </article>
85 </Wrapper>
86 </Layout>
87 )
90export default PostTemplate

Just like you see the social share buttons appeared on the top and the bottom of this blog post page, here is two screen shots for references:

github env variable
github env variable
all posts


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